ECO Friendly

Design Composite GmbH invests in innovative photovoltaic system to promote sustainable energy

Design Composite GmbH is setting a strong example for ecological sustainability by investing in a new photovoltaic system with an output of

over 200 kWP at its site in Lengdorf. As a leading provider of lightweight construction solutions, the company strives not only to be a pioneer in the industry, but also to make a positive contribution to the environment.

The decision to purchase the new photovoltaic system is a logical step towards ecological responsibility. By using solar energy, Design Composite GmbH will not only cover a large part of its own energy requirements, but also make a contribution to the expansion of renewable energies in the region. This investment underlines the company's commitment to further minimizing its ecological footprint while promoting innovative solutions.

"As a company that is committed to more ecologically sustainable lightweight construction solutions, it is important to us to also be pioneers in our own energy supply and to strengthen energy self-sufficiency," says Johann Aster, Managing Director of Design Composite GmbH. "The investment in the photovoltaic system is a logical step that further underlines our commitment to sustainability."

The proportion of renewable energy at the Niedernsill site is therefore already 95% in Scope 1 and 2 according to the GHG (Greenhouse Gas Protocol).

The new plant will not only help to reduce the company's CO2 emissions, but will also reduce operating costs in the long term.  





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